Hope International Missions (HIM)

Bringing Hope to the world

Ignite Passion
Encountering Holy Spirit to Mobilize Mission with Passion
Initiate Process
Enable the body of Christ to Awaken, Arise and Assimilate
Invest in People
Shepherd a generation to Ignite a Movement
Raising Leaders
Through Supernatural School of Ministry (SSOM)


Hope International Missions (HIM) exists to encourage and facilitate global revival. HIM believes this is best achieved through prayer, equipping leaders, and partnering with the Body of Christ around the world. It is through the local church that revival is initiated and sustained, which is exactly why much of our time is spent connecting with, developing, and encouraging key leaders in prayer, as led by the Holy Spirit.

HIM teaches believers how to relate with the Holy Spirit and how to become a catalyst of hope by carrying His presence. In 2015 alone, HIM was active in 61 cities around the world – 75% of which were outside the United States. Since then, we have grown exponentially in the nations by training local people in church planting areas. Recently, following 30 days of SSOM training, 30 new churches were planted in just one year. Whether hosting strategic leadership trainings for pastors and leaders, raising awareness on justice issues, or providing the much needed humanitarian support following a natural disaster; Hope International Missions is actively involved in bringing the HOPE of Jesus Christ to the nations!
